Tuesday, March 30, 2010


well, hello... i think i need to clear off the cobwebs. it's been ages since Em or I actually wrote on here.

As you can imagine we've had our hands full but that is really no excuse. I admit it - I am not a blogger. I am not someone who is disciplined enough to commit to logging on and updating on a daily or weekly basis to post anything at all. This does not mean I do not want to share everything we've experienced with our little man. It just means I'm not a blogger. And I know I've said it before... and I'll say it again.. I'm going to give it a try. Not because I feel like I have to but because I actually want to. Of course, I want to exercise and get fit again but I have yet to get to the gym postpartum... but that's a whole other story. First, I'll give my fingers some exercise by getting back to this blog. and then I'll have a few beers and think about the gym again.

I actually started up my birth story... oh... about 4 months ago... as you can see, it never got published. I vow to finish this too though. one day - but dont place any bets... no, do it, place a bet - money is incentive after all...

ok, so the real reason I am writing it to update about how amazingly wonderful our son is! He is just simply amazing! Now I see why all those other parents out there brag and think their child is the best one out there. Now I can relate to all those parents who find the most little thing, like poopping a solid poop for the first time, something to write home about. I will never roll my eyes again at those parents... mainly because I am one of them now.

Tate is officially 6.5 months and holy shmoly time goes by quickly. It's amazing how his initial sack of potatoes disposition has changed into something that resembles a toddler.

sack of potatoes coming home from hospital at 3 days old:

no longer a sack of potatoes - just over 6 months old:

Tate loves that dog in the park almost as much as he loves his Mommy!
I really can't wait for the weather to be nice and sunny - we can picnic in the park and enjoy the long days (although, we'll prob be home before 7pm to put the little guy to sleep... nights out will never be the same again).

Tate is eating solids now and it's hilarious. We'll need to post up some videos.

Man, just looking at those two pictures - how far he has come in such little time simply amazes me!! Time has flown by. I mean, super warp speed flown by... it's crazy!

I still can't imagine him being 3 years old much less 18.
Yikes. I think 3 more new white hairs just popped out thinking about it.

Ok, need to finish this up and give my fingers a break. I'm exhausted from writing and I feel sweat beads building up just above the brow. Thank goodness I have my sweatband on.

up next... the birth story (that's the plan anyway).


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tate is here!

We have a son!

Tate was born at 5:37pm on 15 September after a very long and complicated birth. He weighed 4184 grams which is 9lbs 2oz! Babies don't get their length measured here because the Dutch believe it hurts their newborn hips so we will measure him soon. Jackie and Tate are staying at the hospital until Saturday. I will write a birth story in the next few days. Jackie's labor was an ordeal, I am so proud of her for going through with having a natural childbirth. She was so strong for 17hrs straight starting at midnight - so she was extremely exhausted. Supporting Jackie through birthing Tate was the hardest thing I've ever done. It was a difficult day but today was much better. Jackie is doing well and so is Tate. I love them so much!

Photos will come shortly.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Jackie Pushing It

today jackie is 11 days past estimated due date. jackie's becoming a facebook star!

check out this video from 2 days ago:

Jackie Pushing it from Emily Razzano on Vimeo.

as you can see, jackie's spirits are still high but we remain anxious to meet our little baby!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

41 weeks and 2 days....

So, this past Wednesday 9/9/9 we went had our last scheduled appt with one of our midwives. Not much going on other than the fact that I am still pregnant. I'm getting bigger by the minute - well it feels like that anyway. Oh, and I think the Danish gene seems to be prominent in the SIZE department - apparently this little one is looking to be over 8.5lbs. ouch.
With that said, thankfully, it appears things are looking good so there is no need to worry about anything - it's just that our impatience is in full force now! In any case, keep positive thoughts and energies coming our way for a safe and healthy delivery! All we ask is that the baby is healthy.

IF the baby has not arrived by tomorrow (sunday) then the midwife will come over and "strip my membrane". Stripping the membrane will hopefully kick-off the contractions. You can read more about membrane stripping here.

Apparently there is a 70% chance the membrane stripping will start contractions and, therefore, go into labor. If this happens then GREAT - we may have a baby with us later that evening!! If the membrane stripping does NOT work then the midwife comes back over on Tuesday to try again. If that doesn't work then I will be considered a "medical case" and will have to visit the hospital on Thursday to meet with a gynecologist and to be monitored. Then, soon after the monitoring, they will start to induce me (either next Thurs or Friday).

Our midwife suggested I try "induction" acupuncture beforehand to see if this will help. I had that session yesterday and it was really cool but, as you probably figured out by now, I'm still pregnant. The acupuncturist showed Emily some pressure points she can use on me while I am in labor to help ease some of the pain. We'll be practicing that until the big day for sure!

I'm so pregnant and Em and I are so bored that we are trying to find fun things to do with the video camera -- it's all PG rated, don't worry... Just some dancing and moving around!
Here's one example for you for now - stay tuned for more. And God help you all if this baby goes until its 42 week - who knows what we'll be videotaping by then to relieve our boredom and impatience!

Friday, September 4, 2009

40 weeks and 1 day

still waiting. and waiting. and waiting.
I honestly thought our little one would be at least prompt if not early! Apparently Baby Wazz has already taken after Emily's "no sense of urgency" disposition. teehee. Although, I'm not really laughing at this moment

Today I felt very weird. My stomach was not feeling happy at all. I thought it could be contractions but they were occuring at the top of the uterus, not the bottom. These "contractions" also felt like food poisoning cramps not the typical, or apparently typical, menstrual like cramps.
In any case, Em made sure we had everything packed up in the hospital bags just in case. Now these bags continue to wait with us in anticipation of what is to come and to feel useful.

I stayed in bed most of the day with Em taking good care of me and checking up on me regularly. Em is even making my fave cookies right now - snickerdoodles!

Well, not much else to report other than that BabyWazz is enjoying his or her time in my apparently more-than-comfortable womb.

We were hoping today's full moon would have had some sort of effect on initating labor but so far la luna is not cooperating either.

hopefully in the next post or two we'll have some more interesting news!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello, Due Date!

Baby Wazz is due TOMORROW!! WOW.

I am so so ready to meet our little son or daughter! I think I've been ready for at least two weeks. Every day gets harder and harder to be patient - I just want to meet this little one. It's hard to sleep with so much excitement ahead.

So 279 days have almost passed since we made the baby. And here we are, ready and waiting for his/her arrival. I know Jackie will be so strong during her labor. I imagine she'll be a birth goddess:-) I am looking forward to supporting her throughout her experience and strengthening our bond through the birth of our baby.

So Baby Wazz, we are ready to meet you! We can't wait for your birth - to see what you look like and to finally hold you - and to learn if you are a girl or boy! Your Mommy will be birthing at home until our midwife says it's time to go to the hospital. If you happen to come out really fast or if your Mommy wants to stay home (and the midwife says it's ok), then we will do that. We wish the best for your birth and hope to see you soon!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ten day countdown!

posted by jackie

I can't believe how quickly time has gone by during our pregnancy! Em and I are at the 10 day countdown already! My lack of posting/updating to our blog has been disappointing. I'm a slacker, what can I say...

So, here is my attempt at starting this up again! wish me luck!

Today I had a reflexology session to help possibly induce labor, diminish some of the swelling and work out any kinks necessary. The main reason, however, is to hopefully induce labor. We want our little one to come out when he/she is ready but we are hoping their his/her timeframe coincides with ours, which would be tomorrow ;) Well, OK, we'd be ecstatic if the baby made their debut before September 1 at the very least.

As I was reclined and ready for my reflexology session I had a distinct feeling that the baby is NOT going to come out in the next few days. I didn't say anything to the practitioner though, hoping I was wrong and hoping she could work some magic. Hilda, the reflexology practitioner, asked me several questions about my health before we started. She had such a calming disposition; I felt relaxed immediately.

I watched her carefully as she started intently rubbing my right foot and its toes. I was a bit enchanted by watching her at first - she looked like a musician playing their favorite instrument with passion. I immediately had the impression of a violinist swaying with the notes as she worked her instrument. In this case, it was my toes. I closed my eyes and relaxed as she listened and played her instrument. I felt myself sinking down into the massage bed with each rub of my toes. I don't believe I fell asleep but I was relaxed and comforted to the fullest extent imaginable. I tried to listen to the baby and I attempted to communicate that we can't wait to meet him/her. I said that we want to meet them soon but that they should only come with they are healthy enough to do so.

When Hilda started out on my left foot I felt some little pangs on the right side of my tummy. I'm not sure what it was or what was going on but something she was doing was creating tiny jolts througout the right side of my tummy. I watched Hilda again for a few moments - her expert hands on her instrument; her swaying with each pressure she gave to my foot and toes. The image of a violinist came to mind again.
Hilda continued on and I felt relaxed and comfortable - I think I dozed off for a few minutes. I apparently also had a reaction when she worked on the part of my foot that was related to my minor back pain I've had for the last week or so.

We finished and she noted a few things about the session to me. Hilda said that the baby is not yet ready. She marked down a date she believes the baby will come but she chose not to tell me! boo! Hilda showed me a few points on my hand I can use to help "activate" the baby and a few other presure points I can do at home as needed.

Before I left I told Hilda that I thought she looked like a musician when she was working her reflexology magic. She said, "That's my profession, I am a musician.". I said I envisioned her playing the violin; turns out she plays the viola ;) ha. close enough!

My next appointment is 31 August - that is, if Baby Wazz doesn't come out before then!
Wish us luck!