Sunday, June 21, 2009

4D Ultrasound

Last Monday we had our 4D ultrasound! We had our two standard 2D ultrasounds and chose to have a special 4D one, which insurance does not cover, because we wanted to see what the baby looks like and what it does in the womb. Babywazz cooperated for about 10 of the 40 minutes, at first s/he was covering its face with a hand and we got this cute image below!

Babywazz in 3D

The sleeping baby then decided to face downwards which made it more difficult to see anything more than the legs, which at one point were above its head! We got 3 leg photos:

Body, Arm and Leg

Baby's Leg

Baby's arm around leg

Jackie asked if the baby has any hair so the technician put the ultrasound on 2D and said "lots of hair!" If you feel so inclined, here is a 10 minute video of the end of our ultrasound for you to watch, inclusive of the baby's hair. The baby's sex is still unknown. I've watched the DVD trying to spot parts because it's fun to guess. Only 10.5 weeks until the baby is due!!