Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First Doctor Consultation

It's Em here! On Monday morning, we biked around the corner to our huisarts (neighborhood GP) for our first chance to ask questions about becoming pregnant in the Netherlands. We found out that our doctor can help us with an ICI (intracervical insemination), which is when the donor sperm is placed in the cervix, right before Jackie is about to ovulate. Our doc told us we have a 6 hour window of prime baby making time!! We are advised to try ICI 3 times and then try IUI (intrauterine insemination) which is when donor sperm is placed in the uterus. I am still doing research about this because I think we can inseminate 2 times per cycle with ICI which would increase our chances.

To prepare, Jackie is (supposed to be) taking folic acid already! I think our doctor was impressed by this and Jackie's efforts of tracking her temperature to find the spike which indicates ovulation. We need a few months of data to make a good ovulation prediction! We are both working out more so we are healthy for the first littlewazz:-)

Now, it's time to find a donor!


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