Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas miracles.... !

This Christmas season is one Emily and I will surely remember for the rest of our lives!!!!!!
long story short: our pregnancy test came up positive today and yesterday!!!!!!!! I will write more about this soon but I wanted to get this out today - Christmas day! Em and I still are in disbelief -- we absolutely want to see our doctor when we get back to confirm! (That is if my period doesn't show up first!). It will be a miracle if our first attempt at insemination with the most minuscule amount of injected sperm made it to the end zone! There was a persevering little bugger in there! The chances for this to have happened was around 5% apparently! what?! Anyway, Em or I or both of us will write more soon on our thoughts, feelings and moments before and after the big positive showed up! Please please please do not be a false positive! Pleeeeease!
If i didn't believe in miracles before i surely do now!!
Merry Merry Christmas! I know this will be a Christmas I will never forget for many reasons but this reason tops the list!
fingers crossed and hope alive,

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