Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Tummy Is All A Flutter!

So the last day or two I've been feeling funny fluttery/bubbly sensations on the left side of my tummy. At first I thought it was gas. Not a stretch of the imagination by any means... However, this sensation is something new - I've concluded it must by the little bugger making his/her presence known (probably by bouts of flatulence).
It's actually really amazing to know that the little avocado-sized bud is squirming around in there! I can't wait to feel it bounce and kick around more and more! I mostly can't wait for Em to put her hand on my tummy and feel a good solid kick or head butt! My little football (soccer) player in action... ;)

So, Em and I are also bouncing around too ... about finding out the sex of the baby! Our next echo (aka ultrasound) is on April 15 - we can find out then but aaaah! what do we do?! On the one hand, we will have a better idea of what we want to do with the soon-to-be baby room and buying clothes/styles if we find out! We're not into all the blue and pink stuff fully but there is only so much green, yellow and orange you can have to be gender neutral too. On the other hand, this is the biggest surprise out there - there are few surprises in the world these days so it makes sense to wait till the little bugger pops out in all its glory. Oh what to do?! Also, narrowing down the name is a good reason to find out the sex. or not. OOOH BOY (or girl!) what to do?!
Time will tell... literally.

What we are sure about is that we are getting more and more excited everyday for our little one! It's still unbelievable... but my growing stomach and gassy fetus is letting me know it's all real! I love it! I really think I love being pregnant! :)


Anonymous said...

Hiya...found your blog by, well, blog-hopping. Just wanted to say hi. And also that even if you want to find out what you're having, the baby might not cooperate! My partner and I are having twins and only know what one of them is as of yesterday's scan...

Jackie said...

Hi Existere,
Thanks for coming by and checking out our blog! Good point about the baby potentially not cooperating when you want to find out the sex! Well, at least you know one so far! ;) Maybe your next scan will reveal the 'identity' of the other! good luck!