Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's a ______!

By Emily

It's a SURPRISE! We decided we want to wait until the baby is born to find out if we have a son or daughter.

Our ultrasound was last week and everything looks great with the baby's growth. We are so thrilled! I took a few videos of the ultrasound and have been quite obsessed with trying to figure out if we have a boy or girl. We had a (highlight if you want to know what we think)girlvibe before the ultrasound and we still do. You really never know though and it's part of the fun!!

We both were on a baby high right after the echo and for a few days after. Seeing our little baby was so real.

We just got back from our 5 minute midwife appointment. Jackie's placenta is in the front which means she will not feel the baby kick as strong or as soon. Typically the placenta is to the side or on the top so women can feel the kicks better. Our midwife said it's totally not an issue so we are relieved. As for the 5 minute appointment, I have nothing to compare to so it seems normal to me. How long is a 20 week midwife or OB appointment in the states? Jackie's blood pressure is fine, her uterus is growing with the baby and that all means everything is progressing.. We go back in 4 weeks.

Now for some fun!!

BabyWazz's profile.

Check out the baby's profile in action!
(Upon request, I can share more videos)

I am getting so excited!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Legal Mother

By Emily

We just got back from our first meeting with our family lawyer. The meeting was very helpful! We found out that I can start the adoption process right now!! The laws have in fact changed and I do not have to wait a year to begin the process. Our lawyer is going to mail us a letter detailing what we have to collect in terms of legal documents (birth certificates, Dutch partnership papers, etc). Everything is presented to the court who decides if my adoption of the baby is approved. The lawyer was optimistic about the outcome. After 3 months and 1 day, I am able to adopt! This means that I could adopt babywazz on his/her birthday!! I actually have 3 days to "register" the baby with the Dutch government at which point hopefully my name will also be written on the birth certificate. Very good news!!! It will mean a lot to us to be protected as a family unit.

The one downside is the cost associated with this adoption. I am so so so thankful I can actually adopt babywazz but it really isn't fair that same-sex couples have to spend extra money to have the same family benefits as any other loving family. It's what we have to do though in order for me to also be a mother and I am happy it is possible.

Our 20 week ultrasound is tomorrow night! Will we find out or not?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Adopting BabyWazz

By Emily

Figuring out the laws in the Netherlands regarding second parent adoption has been a slight struggle. The most recent info I found stated that I would be able to adopt babywazz after living with Jackie for three years and living with the baby for one. The laws are not fair even in the Netherlands where same sex couples are given many more legal rights than in other countries. If I was Jackie's boyfriend, I could adopt the baby right away, even if I wasn't the baby daddy. It totally doesn't make sense!! Through some friend networking I was able to find another same sex couple who has a little baby and they are going through their adoption right now. I found out that as of 1 January 09, the rules changed and I can adopt babywazz right away (it still takes at least 3 months though)!!!! The laws are becoming equal:-) We have an appointment in 2 weeks with a family lawyer who is going to help give us the real scoop on the process and laws. It would mean so much to me to have my name on babywazz's birth certificate from the start - just like it should be.