Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Legal Mother

By Emily

We just got back from our first meeting with our family lawyer. The meeting was very helpful! We found out that I can start the adoption process right now!! The laws have in fact changed and I do not have to wait a year to begin the process. Our lawyer is going to mail us a letter detailing what we have to collect in terms of legal documents (birth certificates, Dutch partnership papers, etc). Everything is presented to the court who decides if my adoption of the baby is approved. The lawyer was optimistic about the outcome. After 3 months and 1 day, I am able to adopt! This means that I could adopt babywazz on his/her birthday!! I actually have 3 days to "register" the baby with the Dutch government at which point hopefully my name will also be written on the birth certificate. Very good news!!! It will mean a lot to us to be protected as a family unit.

The one downside is the cost associated with this adoption. I am so so so thankful I can actually adopt babywazz but it really isn't fair that same-sex couples have to spend extra money to have the same family benefits as any other loving family. It's what we have to do though in order for me to also be a mother and I am happy it is possible.

Our 20 week ultrasound is tomorrow night! Will we find out or not?

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