Friday, September 4, 2009

40 weeks and 1 day

still waiting. and waiting. and waiting.
I honestly thought our little one would be at least prompt if not early! Apparently Baby Wazz has already taken after Emily's "no sense of urgency" disposition. teehee. Although, I'm not really laughing at this moment

Today I felt very weird. My stomach was not feeling happy at all. I thought it could be contractions but they were occuring at the top of the uterus, not the bottom. These "contractions" also felt like food poisoning cramps not the typical, or apparently typical, menstrual like cramps.
In any case, Em made sure we had everything packed up in the hospital bags just in case. Now these bags continue to wait with us in anticipation of what is to come and to feel useful.

I stayed in bed most of the day with Em taking good care of me and checking up on me regularly. Em is even making my fave cookies right now - snickerdoodles!

Well, not much else to report other than that BabyWazz is enjoying his or her time in my apparently more-than-comfortable womb.

We were hoping today's full moon would have had some sort of effect on initating labor but so far la luna is not cooperating either.

hopefully in the next post or two we'll have some more interesting news!


1 comment:

Hua said...

Hey Jackie,

Hope to hear some good baby news soon!
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